If you are unable to pay all of the bills, are receiving calls from creditors or facing foreclosure, you need to know that there is a solution. Filing for bankruptcy can take care of these issues and give you the fresh financial start you need. We handle many types of bankruptcy issues involving:
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
We understand that bankruptcy is not an easy choice, but when you understand the benefits, you may see it is a good option. When we talk during your free consultation, our attorney will explain how bankruptcy can help and will determine whether it is right for your specific circumstances.
Under the bankruptcy laws, you will receive an automatic stay from all collection activities. This means that while the bankruptcy is in progress, creditors may not contact you, attempt to collect on debts or repossess your property. The automatic stay also prevents the filing of foreclosure or liens.
People who file personal bankruptcy typically file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. We will review your income, finances and debts to determine which chapter is right for you. Generally, Chapter 7 is good for people with unsecured debt such as credit cards or medical bills. Chapter 13 is meant for people with enough income to pay a portion of their secured and unsecured debts over three to five years. We will discuss the differences with you.
We can also assist people who are going through a divorce. It is quite common for bankruptcy and divorce to occur simultaneously. Our attorneys have more than 25 years of experience with these matters and know how they affect each other.
Our law firm is located in Salem, Massachusetts and we serve clients throughout Essex County and the North Shore region including Beverly, Danvers, Lynn, Marblehead, Peabody, Saugus, and Wenham.
For a free consultation regarding personal bankruptcy, please contact us to schedule your appointment.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
Since founding the practice on January 4, 1999, Monique has dedicated her career to family law, providing clients with compassionate yet practical guidance through some of life’s most challenging moments. With over two decades of experience, she understands the complexities and emotional toll of family law cases and focuses on achieving resolutions while minimizing unnecessary conflict. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]