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How Do the Courts Decide Whether a Parent Is Unfit for Custody?

Dealing with child custody issues can stir up a lot of emotions and get pretty complicated; it can become even more so when one of the parents may be unfit to have custody of their child. The courts have a big job on their hands in these situations, as they have to figure out which parent is best equipped to take care of the child. They look at a whole range of factors, all with the child's best interests at heart.   Whether you believe the other pa[ ... ]

Can I Relocate With the Children After the Divorce?

Relocating with children after a divorce represents a major life change both for you and your children. It might be prompted by a job opportunity, a desire to be closer to family, or simply the need for a fresh start. However, the decision to move is not solely yours to make—especially when custody agreements are in place. Understanding your rights and obligations is[ ... ]

Will a New Child or Marriage Affect Support?

At Lamb and Lamb, P.C., located in the heart of Salem, Massachusetts, we understand that life's significant milestones—like welcoming a new child into your family or entering into a new marriage—bring joy and new beginnings. However, these events can also introduce questions about how they might influence existing financial commitments, such as alimony and child support. Our team, serving clients in Salem, Danvers, Beverly, Lynnfield, Peabody, and the sur[ ... ]

Steps to Take to Prepare for Divorce

Preparing for a divorce is a critical process that requires thoughtful planning and careful consideration. At Lamb and Lamb, P.C., we understand the emotional toll such a decision can take on you and your loved ones, and we're here to provide professional, empathetic guidance every step of the way. Based in Salem, Massachusetts, we serve clients in surrounding areas, such asDanvers, Beverly, Lynnfield, and Peabody. Our approach i[ ... ]

Understanding Your Right to Retirement Assets

Divorce is never easy, especially when it comes to understanding your rights to retirement assets. You've worked hard for these assets and ensuring they're handled fairly in a division can seem like an overwhelming task. But you're not alone in this journey. At Lamb and Lamb, P.C., we believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their future. As a law firm based in Salem, Massachusett[ ... ]

Finding Hidden Income and Assets

Undergoing the divorce process is already daunting. On top of the divorce process, suspicions that your estranged spouse is hiding any sort of income or assets can add to the stress. The light in it all is that you have options.  If you are considering divorce or are already in the process in Essex County or Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and you feel your spouse is hiding assets or income from you, contact us immediately at La[ ... ]

Dispelling Common Family Law Misconceptions

Dealing with family law matters is always stressful and emotionally draining, especially when your financial stability and the future of your life with children are at stake. Unfortunately, misconceptions can add to the stress and further complicate the process for everyone involved.   Our attorneys at Lamb and Lamb, P.C., have more than 20 yea[ ... ]

Family Law FAQs

The divorce process can be confusing, challenging, and full of back-and-forths over who gets what and who did what. Navigating the legal system can also often prove time-consuming and costly. Depending on the length of the union, the finances of the couple involved, and whether there are children, contentious issues can drag on and on. If you are contemplating divorce, already in the process, or have been served papers in or around Salem, Massachusetts, conta[ ... ]

Divorce Lawyers Who Protect Your Best Interests

If you are thinking of filing for divorce or are already a party to a divorce proceeding, you need an experienced lawyer to protect your rights. A divorce can involve financial as well as emotional challenges, especially in today’s troubling economic times. You need an attorney who will help you understand all your options so that you can make informed decisions that are in your best interests. Over 20 Years of Trial and Courtroom Experience[ ... ]

When Mediation May Be Your Best Option In Divorce

Divorce, while never easy, does not have to be an ordeal. For couples who wish to amicably end their marriages, there are a number of processes available that do not involve a combative mindset and are designed to minimize conflict in favor of compromise. One of the most common processes that aim for a more cooperative dissolution of a marriage is mediation. Mediation is the non-adversarial divorce process most familiar to the general public. In mediation, a[ ... ]

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