
Divorce Lawyers Who Protect Your Best Interests

Divorce Lawyers Who Protect Your Best Interests

If you are thinking of filing for divorce or are already a party to a divorce proceeding, you need an experienced lawyer to protect your rights. A divorce can involve financial as well as emotional challenges, especially in today’s troubling economic times. You need an attorney who will help you understand all your options so that you can make informed decisions that are in your best interests.

Over 20 Years of Trial and Courtroom Experience

Our divorce attorneys bring over a decade of experience to individuals throughout Boston’s North Shore region. Our lead divorce attorney, Monique Boucher Lamb, was born and raised in Salem, and she knows the area as well as the people who live here. She has built strong working relationships with other attorneys and with the local courts. We understand the emotional and financial challenges that come with divorce and we have extensive knowledge of Massachusetts divorce law and proceedings.

Our Massachusetts Divorce Practice

We work closely with men and women at all stages of a divorce, from the decision to file through negotiated settlements, mediation, or trial to post-judgment requests for modification or enforcement of existing divorce decrees. We handle a wide range of issues related to divorce, including:

  • The division of marital property. We will help you equitably divide the debts and assets of your marriage, including real estate, bank accounts and investments, retirement funds, and business assets. With our experience in bankruptcy, we can help you determine whether a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing may be necessary to protect your marital assets.

  • Alimony. We can help you understand the changes under the new Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act, and we can assist you with alimony issues as part of a divorce or with modifying an existing alimony order.

  • Child custody and visitation. We will help you establish and implement custody and visitation arrangements that are in the best interests of your minor children while protecting your rights as parents.

  • Child support. We understand the new child support guidelines and will review any proposed child support agreements to ensure that they are in compliance. We will also confirm that all relevant sources of income are factored into the calculation.

  • Health and life insurance. We will help protect your interests regarding health insurance for minor children or life insurance proceeds.

  • Modification of existing orders. If your circumstances change significantly, as a result of relocation, a change in income or for any other reason, we can help you get a change in the divorce judgment to bring about a more fair result.

Proudly Serving Boston North Shore and Essex County

Our law firm is located in Salem, Massachusetts and we serve divorce clients throughout Essex County and the North Shore region including Beverly, Danvers, Lynn, Marblehead, Peabody, Saugus, and Wenham.

To schedule a free initial consultation, contact us via e-mail or call us.

The Help You Need

Request your FREE consultation and get the help you need to move forward.

    1385 South Colorado Blvd. Suite A-720
    Denver, CO 80222

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